ECW 1995-2000:Blackout Edition (SynysterSoftware)

ECW 1995-2000:Blackout Edition (SynysterSoftware) 1.5

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This game and WCW Rebooked looks amazing. I am unable to get these to play though. Do I need to patch these files somehow? I loaded the files onto my handheld emulater and both games just show up and play as Smackdown 2: Know Your Role
You likely have sd2 in the folder too. My mods no longer have the original sd2 files so you would never see anything but my stuff. Try removing any other versions of sd2 or manually load it.
Wow!! I'm stunned! I wasn't sure what to expect because this is the first time I've used a mod game on my psx emulator. And what did I get?? An ECW game complete with wrestler entrances, music and managers. A massive thank you to those who created this. You have made my day!
This is so cool ECW 4 life
I'm glad you like it, the WCW mid will be much better and the ECW followup will fix all issues in this version.

Thanks for trying it out and leaving a review.
SOMEONE CALL 9--1---1!!!!
ECW 2: All-out will be out sometime in 2025, it will improve everything. This mod was mostly done in 2016 and just rushed to completion in 2024 after years of letting it sit. ECW 2 will be more like the wcw mod I'm about to release so check that out to see what I mean.

Thanks for playing.
I played this game yesterday, and i would say it's actually a great ECW mod, and definitely better than the official ECW games for the PS1!
Thanks, I will be releasing an improved version of this mod after I finish the wcw mod.
Excelente Mod, saludos desde colombia y gracias hombre, lo disfrutare demasiado
Thanks for playing, WCW is coming soon and should be better.
Impressive rom hack
I am glad it has been well received, hopefully the wcw mod is as also.
If we can get The Barbwire Match from Simple 1500 Added to the game we are in the money but either way this mod gets a 5 star frogsplash rating. Never playing those acclaim games again!
I appreciate the review, I just played the acclaim games a few days ago to compare the gameplay to sd2, It wasn't good and i had played attitude for months straight as a kid and now I do not know how I didn't break my controller.

Barbwire would be nice but most games with barbwire are actually really cheesy, hopefully when it's eventually figured out some new barbwire specific animations can be added instead of just falling down or laying on the ropes. I have faith that one of the code hackers will bring new match types in the near future.
Let me tell you something: it works on my PlayStation Vita and it doesn't need any special saves. Thanks.
That's awesome hear about the vita, always good to know what systems play it without issue. I use to play the original sd2 on PSP, talk about hand cramps, that is likely the time I started simulating more than playing. Check out v1.5, it's better everywhere.
This is by far the best ecw mod i ever seen
Credit my extended break (5 years), without that you all would have gotten a burnt out version. Not touching anything for so long gave me the drive to make it the best I can using the older low-res methods (ed2). I'm satisfied with Blackout but All-out (part 2) will blow this away.

Thanks for playing and taking the time to review it.
So much effort has went into this project and it shows. Feels like an official release of something we all wanted back when ECW was still around. The only thing I wanted from this that I couldn't get working in this mod was music during the matches and on the main menu. But other than that, this feels so official, and make's for a great release. Great work.
Thanks for the review. Unfortunately I have played this game since 2000 and the music was something that I always hated. I was very happy to remove it in favor of crowd noises and chants. This is how all of my future mods will be.
Excellent mod! The move and taunt hacks make it even better.
Thanks, ECW 2: All-out is going to have more moves and taunts, plus many other changes.
Thanks for the download, we appreciate for all your hard work, amazing how you created it from scratch, feels 100% authentic to 90's ECW, from the ring to the outfits, music, etc.

Are there hidden characters within the game, such as Cactus Jack, Scott Hall, Roadkill, Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, etc.? Can't seem to find them within the character select screen
Roadkill is an unknown along with Doring, everyone else you listed are unlocked during season mode. I may switch the roster up in ECW 2: All-out.
I seen this right after I got all-star wrestling ps1mod to smackdown2 kyr I got it about a hour after it dropped. And the music is ooooo mmmyyy gggaaawwedddd. It brings up being 16 and a Friday night watching tnn. Thank you if I'm not mistaking I have all your PS1 wwf smackdown kyr mods.
Thank you friend. You along with the other modders are awesome y'all do t have to do what y'all do. And y'all bring new life to older games.

Much love to you and to all modders
I appreciate that, I have more coming.
From the beginning intro to the select screen and finally the gameplay... THAT'S INCREDIBLE! 5 star frog splash for the Synyster Minister I mean Software. No memory card required? Wow got to love how authentic this feels Hardcore Revolution and Anarchy Rulz are mere after thoughts when it comes to the Blackout Edition. Download now and join the Blue World Order brother.
Thank you LupDiggah, I'm glad you like it. More to come.
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