Decoding the Art of Animation in WWE Games:


New member
Jun 4, 2023
Welcome to the immersive realm of WWE Games, where animations come to life through the artistry of Yuke's animation format. This sophisticated bytecode creation, recognized as .YANM, .Anim, and .ACTS, is the very essence of captivating movements in the digital wrestling arena.

Since its inception with WWF SmackDown 1 in 2000, Yuke's animation format has been the cornerstone of WWE Games, infusing animations with depth and authenticity. Built upon the BioVision Hierarchy (BVH) format, it breathes enduring vitality into motions. The BVH's framework, encompassing hierarchy values and motion data, forms the core of this intricate animation craft:

Example BVH Data File

As we delve into the depths of this realm, it’s crucial to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of ERM391. Through significant discoveries and expertly-crafted tools, ERM391 has illuminated the path for handling animations. In most cases, the first chunk of the .Anim format, a sequence of animation data, encompasses a crucial value: the total offset of the chunk +60. This initial chunk consistently initiates at offset 0x14. By taking the first byte of the chunk and subtracting 0x60, you reveal the bedrock of animation data. This revelation elevates our comprehension of Yuke’s animation format, adding a valuable layer of understanding.

When you extract a chunk starting from 0x14, here’s what you uncover. After the offset and signature, you encounter a 0x0c byte-long chunk. This chunk holds crucial delay values, settings, and positions for delay activation, which plays a significant role in mini-games, interactive elements, submissions, pins, and more. Following this, usually, another signature appears: 7D 00, signifying the number of joints the animations support, which is 109 after subtracting 0x10 from it. Sometimes, however, you won’t find a delay value field at all, and in those cases, it’s indicated by CA 7D for SVR 2006 or CE 7D for SVR 2007+. These variations in signatures reflect the evolution of Yuke’s animation format, adding complexity and adaptability to the system.

Shifting our focus to the present, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Hanleys and the entire PWM community. Their groundbreaking discoveries in animation have acted as guiding beacons for the modding community. Through unwavering dedication, they’ve opened the gateway to animation porting, enabling the integration of classic entrances and moves into WWE 2K23.

In line with PWM’s announcements, the animation porting initiative enters its early development phase. This prospect promises to enrich the WWE 2K23 experience, an endeavor fueled by the wizardry of Hanleys. Their exceptional support propels the modding community’s advancement, effectively transforming aspirations into tangible achievements.

The path ahead brims with promise, as animations continue to refine and expand to accommodate more intricate bone structures. As we journey toward the realization of dreams, our admiration grows for Hanleys’ steadfast resolve and commitment. Their influence echoes through every stride of progress, laying the foundation for a brighter future in WWE 2K23 and the modding community at large.

In a world where movements narrate stories and digital personas embody the essence of competition, Yuke’s animation format stands as a tribute to the synergy of innovation and collaboration. Each animation, each breakthrough, weaves a tale woven with passion, precision, and the collective spirit of success. Additionally, my theory regarding the YMKs and YMBs headers before the Table of Contents (TOC) in SVR games potentially holding global bone rotational data for all animations adds a layer of mystery to the depths we continue to explore, inviting further investigation into Yuke’s animation brilliance.
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