Greetings. I was finally able to figure out how materials are stored in ymg and properly convert the DOR model to DOR2 by modifying it and get the DOR2 gloss and lighting work.
Quick shout out to Mann ohne Sack from "The Forbidden DoR" who first started to edit the material in order to port it to DOR2 and his results were motivating.
When porting the normal maps can still be used in DOR2 but I wasn't satisfied with the result so I removed it.
PS:- After adjusting brightness of textures, the models look amazing!!
I was finally able to correct material of XIX to match it with DOR2. Credits to Mann ohne Sack for correcting XIX models bones otherwise models will glitch.
Quick shout out to Mann ohne Sack from "The Forbidden DoR" who first started to edit the material in order to port it to DOR2 and his results were motivating.
The DOR models use normal texture maps to put on more details unlike DOR2 models which are high poly and those details are provided by the mesh and vertex normal itself.When porting the normal maps can still be used in DOR2 but I wasn't satisfied with the result so I removed it.
PS:- After adjusting brightness of textures, the models look amazing!!
I was finally able to correct material of XIX to match it with DOR2. Credits to Mann ohne Sack for correcting XIX models bones otherwise models will glitch.
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